
Chapter One :Chapter 1

The lights were enchanting, and the deafening music resonated throughout the space.

In the largest bar in Shangyang city, a sudden DJ performance drove the atmosphere to the climax, as everyone's bodies moved frantically to the rhythm of the music.

In the middle of the dance floor, a slender and hot woman was dancing energetically. The devilish figure was bold under the changing lights, slender waist, fair skin, wantonly exposed under the colourful lights, drawing continuous screams.

The lights suddenly flashed, outlining her graceful curves even more clearly. She was dressed in a tight black jacket and a hip-skirting leather miniskirt, with large patches of beautiful skin exposed. Fair, translucent, and alluring.

Her long black hair fell on her shoulders, and the black high heels under her round ankles glowed a sexy aura under the multicoloured lights.

She was undoubtedly the centre of attention in the bar. Below the dance floor, everyone was crazy about her, applause, screams and whistles were ceaseless. The atmosphere was so passionate and had reached its peak.

The dancing lady seemed uninterested in the flattery of others. She was immersed in her own dance, her innate pride made her look out of place with the frenzied crowd below.

"Found her!"

Below the stage, a voice excitedly exclaimed. The man's attire was incongruous with the atmosphere, which attracted some disdainful glances.

Chenyang, wearing a homemade white coat, made his way into the crowd. With the scintillating lights, he carefully examined the picture in his hand, then looked at the dancing lady on the stage, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It must be her! Luo Shihan! I've finally found you, and I must take you back, no matter what! I have to complete the task and confirm everything about work!”

Chenyang rolled up his sleeves, gritted his teeth, and charged towards the stage with all his might. He bypassed the security guards and ran directly to the DJ table.

The DJ was having a blast with the music, and was startled when Chenyang in his white coat suddenly rushed beside him, he exclaimed: "What the hell are you doing, are you asking for death!"

Chenyang paid him no mind, he seized the collar of the DJ and threw him off the stage. Then, with a snap, he cut off all the power lines!

The blasting music stopped abruptly, the tumult dwindling to nothing in an instant. Screams filled the surroundings.

Slanderous comments and boisterous noises surged from all directions, all targeting the man on stage, Chen Yan. Even Luo Shihan, casting a cold sidelong glance, joined the fray.

Ignoring the tumult, Chen Yan strode over to the visibly upset Luo Shihan, grinning ear to ear. "Hello Ms. Luo, my name is Chen Yan. I'm here at someone's request, to persuade you to return to your medical internship. Please ensure you report to DiHai Hospital tomorrow."

Luo Shihan, her eyebrows knitted tightly, swung her long hair back. Her voice was soft, yet carried a firm authority: "Throw this man out!"

"Ms. Luo, please don’t get worked up. Hear me out first!" Chen Yan hastily gestured, however, in a blink of an eye, he was surrounded by a dozen bodyguards. Their formidable presence echoed a clear threat, akin to a group preparing to swallow Chen Yan alive.

Chen Yan cleared his throat, pointedly to the white doctor’s robe he wore and continued. "Hold on, I’m a future doctor at DiHai Group Hospital. I'm here to persuade Ms. Luo Shihan to return to her medical internship. I'm not a stalker!"

Hearing this, the bystanders scoffed in disdain, their contempt towards Chen Yan seemingly growing by the second.

"Oh, so he's a corporate lapdog! No wonder he's so eager; finishing this task would get him his doggie treat. But let me tell you, an esteemed figure like Queen Luo isn't someone you can approach as you please. If you don't wish to be handicapped, best make yourself scarce!"

The remark came from a man in a silver tailcoat suit, escorted by a troupe of bodyguards. He appeared to be a young, privileged man trying to flatter Luo Shihan.

Undeterred, Chen Yan’s gaze remained fixated on Luo Shihan, his tone authoritative. "Now you have two choices. First – you leave by yourself, or second – I'll carry you out. You have ten seconds to decide. Countdown starts now."

"Don't get too big for your britches! For someone like you, even getting a glimpse of Shihan is a blessing! Yet you dare to be so audacious!" Yet another highborn man from the crowd chimed in.

"Right, thinking that Queen Luo would intern at DiHai Hospital is laughable. Don’t you know the entire DiHai Group belongs to the Luo family? Luo Shihan is the heiress of the DiHai Group. There's no way she would intern at a hospital. That would be an insult!"

Chorus of indignant responses from affluent onlookers filled the room. If it weren’t for Luo Shihan standing beside them, they would have ripped Chen Yan apart on the spot.

They reacted so fervently in front of Luo Shihan for a reason.

As the one primed to inherit ShangYang city's leading enterprise, the DiHai group, Luo Shihan was regarded as someone born with a diamond mine in her mouth. A graduate of the prestigious international medical school, LeSade, Luo Shihan had a stellar academic record. Even before she completed her studies, her reputation reached across borders – someone of her calibre interning in a hospital was impossible.

With the crowd buzzing in anticipation of Chen Yan's humiliating exit, his calm, unperturbed demeanor caught them all by surprise. Chen Yan glanced at his digital watch, then at Luo Shihan, and finally broke the silence, “Time's up. What's your choice?”

Luo Shihan, with her arms crossed, exuded a lofty, regal aura. That too with a stunning grace. She cast a sidelong glance at Chen Yan with her eyes, as clear as sparkling diamonds, and let out a soft chuckle, "If you aim to take me away, let's see if you have the ability to do so."

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